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10 products


Personalized Christmas ballPersonalized Christmas ball
Personalized Christmas ball Sale price6,00 €
Personalized photo water bottlePersonalized photo water bottle
Personalized photo mugPersonalized photo mug
Personalized photo mug Sale price12,90 €
Personalized Super Mario Photo MugPersonalized Super Mario Photo Mug
Personalized photo mug Santa ClausCadeau personnalisé enfants - cadeau personnalisé adulte- mug personnalisé - tasse personnalisé - céramique - prenom-mug Disney - licence - cadeau personnalisé photo - personnalisable - mug princesse - Marvel - comics - père Noël
Personalized Superhero Photo MugPersonalized Superhero Photo Mug
Personalized Princess Photo MugPersonalized Princess Photo Mug
Personalized Mickey Minnie KeychainPersonalized Mickey Minnie Keychain
Personalized photo keychainPersonalized photo keychain
Personalized photo keychain Sale price5,00 €
Tableau photo version KAWAIITableau photo version KAWAII
Tableau photo version KAWAII Sale price9,90 €

Customizable Photo Creation

Discover our collection of customizable items (blankets, mugs, water bottles, cushions, stuffed animals, and funny faces), created from your personal photos and transformed into unique versions, Santa Claus style, Avengers, Disney princess, and many others. Offer original and unique gifts for all occasions: birthdays, holidays, and more. Each creation is handmade in France , with quality materials and attention to detail. Personalize your everyday objects or create unforgettable memories thanks to our many options.

  • "Customizable Items and Personalized Gifts"
  • "Personalized Objects and Gifts with Photos"
  • “Unique Gifts and Personalized Creations”